2024 - Innovationspreis Holz
The Project Siedlung Hirtenweg was awarded with the 1st prize
Innovationspreis Holz
Aren’t we all constant beginners advancing in life?
We find this view liberating and we believe that this unbiased perspective deserves to be celebrated and should not be obscured nor by experience and routine nor by ideology.
Doesn’t this view speak of a Dilettante’s approach?
As admirers of art and science we cultivate our knowledge out of inherent interest with passion and pleasure. We deliberately attain the necessary openness that allows us to abandon the architect’s traditional role as the author of an architectural project, in favour of a multiple authorship of architect, client and the adequate specialists.
How reliable are admirers?
Professional in our organization and precise in our work method we cultivate a sense of impartiality in order to grasp the unique character of each project. This approach leads to an extensive examination of all given conditions and a lively dialogue with the client and the engaged consultants.
What is the power of conversation?
The dialogue serves to find the optimal interlacing between conditions given by the site, client requests, programme specificities and building technology. Thereby, we aim at creating a readable, emblematic, functional and enduring architecture that benefits the community and the environment alike.
Harry Gugger established Harry Gugger Studio (HGS) in 2010 in order to create closer ties between his academic work and practice. He aimed at creating an environment that fathoms synergies from his two decades of partnership at Herzog & de Meuron and the research work of his chair ‘Laboratoire Bâle’ at the Swiss Federal Technical Institute in Lausanne (EPFL). In doing so, distinct interrogations of science, engineering, environment, society and art should find vigilant responses.
Already within its first years of practice, the Studio, based in Basel, successfully designed and executed work in Switzerland, Canada the Middle East and Central America. Projects range in scale and functions, from urban schemes and civic buildings, to private houses, exhibitions and furniture. Particular emphasis is placed on the singularity of each project, aiming at exploring its distinct potential, in close collaboration between HGS, clients, users and corresponding consultants.
We are a tightly organised, highly skilled international team with a wealth of experience and an exemplary portfolio of realised projects. We combine an innate Swiss precision with a broader international outlook to create unique and robust architectural solutions that blend these contrasting perspectives. We draw upon our worldwide network of specialist consultants, scientists and artists to amplify the knowledge base of our in-house teams. We activate this network in a project- and phase-specific manner, in order to develop fully integrated projects that respond to the given demands in the best way possible.
We wish to develop a shared ambition
Together with our clients we share the ambition to uncover the core of each project and produce distinct, intriguing and considered architecture in an open, holistic and cost-conscious manner. Whether we are working on urban design schemes, an individual building, interior space or a single piece of furniture this ‘shared ambition’ is the touchstone that we always refer to in developing the design.
We cultivate collaboration and research
Our collaborative, analytical approach to work is pioneering. We define the needs of each project by thoroughly exploring the brief, the context and the demands of all stakeholders. We then firmly pursue these demands from conception to completion. Our inclusive methodology consolidates knowledge from multiple disciplines so that we can accommodate the diverse interests of our clients, social welfare, public space and the environment in our designs. This way we generate added value for all stakeholders.
We deliver bespoke design
We do not cultivate a personal style or pursue formal preferences in our designs. Our approach ensures the development of an elaborate and distinctive architecture that successfully embraces and serves social, economical and ecological demands.
2024 - Innovationspreis Holz
The Project Siedlung Hirtenweg was awarded with the 1st prize
Innovationspreis Holz
2023 - Gutes Bauen
Silo Erlenmatt and Siedlung Hirtenweg are awarded with the "Gutes Bauen" award by Basel Stadt and Basel Land
2023 - Bautenprämierung
Siedlung Hirtenweg is awarded by the Basler Heimatshutz with the "Bautenprämierung"
2023 - Prix AMO
Silo Erlenmatt is awarded with the "Prix AMO"
2023 - International Prize for Sustainable Architecture
Hirtenweg was awarded with the Gold Medal at the International Prize for Sustainable Architecture
2021 - Building Award
Silo Erlenmatt wins the Building Award in the civil engineering category
2021 - Baffa Rivolta European Architecture Award
Hirtenweg was awarded with the honorable mention by the jury of Baffa Rivolta European Architecture Award
2021 - Beton 21
Silo Erlenmatt is awarded at the Beton 21 organized by Beton Suisse
2020 - best architects 21
Silo Erlenmatt in Basel wins the best architects 21
2019 - Heritage Awards of the city of Vancouver
Ehrenauszeichnung, award of honour for The Exchange
2018 - International Highrise Award
International Highrise Award nominee for 'The Exchange'
2017 - American Architecture Prize
American Architecture Prize Design of the Year 2017 in the category of Heritage Architecture for 'The Exchange'
2013 - The Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2012
Laba’s recent publication Barents Lessons as one of the(link: https://www.themostbeautifulswissbooks.ch text: 'Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2012' target: _blank, by the Swiss Federal Office of Culture (BAK)
2010 - Golden Lion, XII Venice Architecture Biennale
Golden Lion of theXII Venice Architecture Biennale for the National Pavilion of Bahrain
2009 - Premio de Urbanismo y Construcción de la Ciudad
CaixaForum-Madrid receives the "Premio de Urbanismo y Construcción de la Ciudad" of X Bienal de Arquitectura Española, ES
2004 - The Prix Meret Oppenheim Award
Harry Gugger is awarded the Prix Meret Oppenheim, Office Fédéral de la Culture, CH
2003 - RIBA Stirling Prize
Laban Dance Center, London, UK wins RIBA Stirling Prize
1999 - Brandenburgischer Architekturpreis
Brandenburgischer Architekturpreis 1999, Land Brandenburg/D for the Library Technical School Eberswalde, DE
1999 - Rolf Schock Prize for the Visual Arts
Rolf Schock Prize for the Visual Arts, Stockholm
1996 - Construtec Prize
Construtec Prize for the Signal Box in Basel, European Prize for Industrial Architecture, Hannover, DE
1996 - Max Beckmann Award
Frankfurt a. M., DE
1996 - Brunel Award 1995
Washington DC for the Railway Engine Depot Auf dem Wolf in Basel, US
1995 - Brunel Award 1994
Washington DC for the Signal Box in Basel, US
20.05.2021, «Loyers abordables et qualité de vie: La solution modulaire», TRACÉS, Alexander Felix
16.05.2021, «So schön können Sozialwohnungen sein», Sonntagszeitung, Andrea Eschbach
to the article04.2021, «Dreimal gut und günstig», TEC21, Alexander Felix
04.2021, «Neualte Offenheit: Umbau Silo Erlenmatt von Harry Gugger Studio», werk bauen + wohnen, Jenny Keller
03.2021, «Design Hôtel», Maisons et ambiances, Corine Stübi
12.2020 ,«Ausblick durch Bullauges in ein zweites Leben», Architektur, Bauen + Handwerk Bern/Basel 2020/21
11.2020, «Vetrauen in den Bestand», Schweizer Ingeneurbaukunst, Clementine Hegner-van Rooden
10.2020, «Rohdiamanten im Silo», TEC21, Nicolas Bassand und Peter Seitz
09.2020, «Das Quartier als urbanes Experimentierfeld», DETAIL, Jakob Schoof
29.08.2020, «Birsfelden erfindet sich neu», Basler Zeitung, Andrea Schumacher
to the article02.08.2020, "Vom Kornspeicher zum hippen Treffpunkt", Sonntagszeitung Wirtschaft, Andreas Herzog
to the article08.2020,«Silo in Basel», Baumeister, Hubertus Adam
06.2020,«Strukturerhalt», Hochparterre, Andreas Herzog
16.05.2020, "Das neue Silo", Basler Zeitung, Daniel Aenishänslin
to the article05.2020, «Full House», Schweizer Baudokumentation, Claudia Frigo Mallien
04.2020, «Du diamant brut: la nouvele élémentarité des silos d'Erlenmatt», TRACÉS, Nicolas Bassand
03.2020, «Viscosistadt Emmen», Phoenix #49, Manuel Pestalozzi
01.2020, «Highlight im Dach», Wohnrevue, Katrin Ambül
to the article06.2019, «Ortsplanung von unten, Entwicklung Zentrum Birsfelden», Werk, Philipe Cabane
07.06.2018, «Ein Weggang aus Basel in Raten»,
bz REGION, Christian Mensch
09.2017, «Wohn- und Gewerbehaus in Basel», DETAIL
2017,«Public Space? Lost and Found», MIT SA+P Press,
Coryn Kempster with Julia Jamrozik
2016, «SCHWEIZWEIT», S AM publications
04.2014, «The Exchange», Mark Magazine #49
03.2014, «Boston Society of Architects Award 2013»,
Design New England
28.03.2014, «14 millions d’habitants, c’est vivable»,
Le Temps, Yelmarc Roulet
21.03.2014, «Une Suisse à 14 millions d’habitants, c’est possible»,
Tribune de Genève, Pascal Schmuck
21.03.2014, «Eine Schweiz für 14 Millionen Menschen»
Basler Zeitung, Christoph Heim
21.03.2014, «Eine Schweiz für 14 Millionen Menschen», Hochparterre, Palle Peterson
16.03.2014, «Eine Schweiz mit 14 Millionen Einwohnern? Kein Problem!», Sonntagszeitung, Gabi Schwegler
to the article03.02.2014, «Maya-Museum aus Basel», Hochparterre, Axel Simon
17.01.14, «Stalking Heritage Far From Home», New York Times, Edward Rothstein
01. 2014 ,«Swiss Performance - Rückzug mit Ausblick», Archithese, Katharina Sommer
to the article2013, «EPFL Pavillion», AV Proyectos #57
28.11.2012,«Eine frage von Verantwortung», Theater Basel, Stephanie Gräve
to the article17.11.2012, «Architekturgespräch Einsiedeln: Was ist Architektur?», Harry Gugger
to the article24.09.2012, «Un artiste intransigeant et libre», Le Temps, Harry Gugger
10.01.2012, «Planspiele für 16 Millionen Schweizer», Basler Zeitung, Harry Gugger