Pavillon Place Cosandey EPFL
The Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) aims to create a clearly identifiable entrance gate for their growing campus and at the same time connect the various fragments of the campus to one another. Three public pavilions with cultural functions have been proposed for the central Cosandey Plaza as part of the program at the centre of the campus.
The current morphology of the EPFL campus is to a large extent characterised by the circumstances of its original formation. Its urban and architectural form made use of the formal and technological language of Metabolism through the development of the so-called "Meccano System" what gave the EPFL its desired identity as a Technical Institute. Unfortunately several other essential Metabolist concepts, such as the consideration of society, context and the natural environment, were not given due consideration in its implementation.
Analysing the existing situation, we came to the conclusion that the spatial definition of Cosandey Plaza could not be achieved with the addition of a few artfully furnished pavilions. Rather, it required a structure that would successfully mediate between the various clearly identifiable urban levels present within the campus.